Having the complete freedom by the client to design sounds like a dream for every designer. But also it can be intimidating since the absence of directions can lead to endless hours of trying to apply all the possibilities that you laid on the table.It can be even more intimidating if the client is your Greek language mentor. Aesthetic ambiguity was intended to be carried by the signifiers; e.g. the 7 white lines represent the stripes of the Greek flag and at the same time the writing. Obvious connotations were also used to communicate with a broader market, e.g. the orange details for the Cypriot authorship. Moreover each original printed copy of the book is signed by the author Mr.Christakis Panayi and includes a preface by the Minister of Education and Culture of Cyprus. The cover design has been awarded with a Bronze Pygmalion Award in the Graphic Design category at the 2014 Pygmalion Awards organized by the Cyprus Creative Club.
Speaking and Writing correctly the Greek language
Book Cover Design